Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Web 3.0 Concepts

Understanding the New Web Era "Web 3.0"

Data Sets:
They are distributed all over the world and containing all kinds of information. They Contain knowledge about a particular domain, like books, music, encyclopedic data, companies, you name it.
Also, they could re-use existing ontologies, like OpenCalai, Freebase, DBepia.

Semantic Web:
It aims to invisibly annotate web pages with a set of meta-attributes and categories to enable machines to interpret text and put it in some kind of context.
Approaches, like microformats, simplify the markup process and thus help bootstrap this problem.
As of today, Facebook has marked up all events with the hCalendar microformat including marking up their venues with hCard as well.

Liked Data:
It is the interconnection between independent data-sets, so, machine could traverse this independent web of noiseless, structured information to gather semantic knowledge of arbitrary entities and domains.

Web of Data
It is about the massive, freely accessible knowledge base, that is resulted from linked-data concept, and is forming the foundation of a new generation of applications and services.

LOD: Linking Open Data
It is a project that introduced standardiztion to link between data sets.

Real world Applications: 
* Google new features of WEB3.0:
 - Search Options
 - Rich Snippets
 - Google Squared

* DBpedia: 
 - It is a crowd-sourced community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia and make this information available on the Web.
 - http://dbpedia.org/About

* openCalai:
 - Using a mix of natural language processing, AI techniques, and a massive databases, Reuters' solution extracts important bits of information from raw HTML pages. People, Companies, Places, and Events are really at the heart of many business articles, so being able to instantly identify them in the text is a big deal. From better search to better cross-linking and more intelligent browsing, the Calais API is an invitation to tap into one of the most powerful and pragmatic semantic platforms that exists and works today.
 - It enables publishers to connect to the Linked Data web standard that Sir Tim-Berners Lee and others in the Semantic Web community have been promoting over the past few years.
 - http://readwrite.com/2009/01/14/calais_4_linked_data#awesm=~ohGzx4dCP3hzXN
 - http://readwrite.com/2008/02/05/reuters_calais#feed=/tag/semantic-web&awesm=~ohHwSqmU1k9TJb

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